tracked down
"Wendy Balsam" on MSN Messenger to discuss Siblings, an ongoing
strip created
by John Robbins, which occasionally features on the children's pages of
Dublin's The Echo newspaper. The abrupt end to the interview is due to
technical difficulties, alas, which rendered it impossible to
re-establish contact with Wendy.
Says Wendy Balsam: "Siblings attempts to
the gag element of established jokes in favour of something resonantly
imprinted with the personalities of sibling characters Joe and Sophie.
Though my self-imposed three-panel confinement lets me off the hook
art-wise, this limited space should not deter me from striving for a
quality of writing more meaningful than low-effort filler."
Says Rhubarb108: "Yes, I can
probably think
of a question to suit this 'answer'. So, when can readers expect this
quality to kick-in?"
My thanks to "Wendy Balsam" for his potential time.
Below: 10 Siblings cartoons. |